Causes of Skin Bruising
Bruising as a result of falls and impacts
Bruising on the skin after a fall or a blow is usually normal. Bruising, especially on the foot, arm or leg, is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the skin. These bruises usually heal in a short time. However, if these bruises do not go away for a long time, it may indicate a more serious problem.
Impact of Stress and Depression
Psychological factors such as stress and depression can also cause bruising on the skin. Such changes in the skin are often caused by a disturbance of the body's internal balance. Constant stress can affect skin health and cause bruises that do not heal.
The Danger of Non-Healing Bruises on the Leg
May be a Sign of Serious Blood Diseases
Bruises on the leg that do not heal for a long time can be a sign of serious blood disorders. For example, problems with blood clotting or bone marrow diseases may show such symptoms. In these cases, it is important to consult a specialist immediately.
Blood Values Need to be Checked
If bruises occur frequently on the skin for no reason, this may indicate an underlying health problem. Checking blood values is important to detect clotting problems.
Importance of Bruises in Children
Bruises Below the Knee
Bruises below the knee in children are usually the result of active play and mischief. Such bruises are usually harmless and heal quickly.
Bruises above the knee
However, bruises above the knee may be a sign of some diseases. Especially if such bruises are seen in children, it should not be ignored that there may be an underlying health problem. A doctor's check is necessary.
Coagulation Problems and Bruises
Role of Platelets
People who bruise easily usually have problems with blood clotting. There may be a decrease in the number or impaired function of platelets that provide clotting. This can cause serious bleeding problems.
Blood and Bone Marrow Diseases
Blood diseases, especially blood cancer, anemia and bone marrow disorders, are the main causes of easy bruising of the skin. These diseases cause the cells involved in blood clotting to fail to function.
Spleen Problems and Bruises
Effects of Spleen Problems on the Skin
In some cases, bruises on the skin can be caused by problems with the spleen. The spleen plays an important role in filtering blood and producing healthy cells in the body. A malfunctioning spleen can lead to increased bleeding and bruising in the body.