What is Menstrual Delay?
First of all, let's talk about menstrual delay, which is women's fearful dream. When menstruation is irregular and significantly delayed, this can cause panic in women. However, pregnancy is not always the cause of delayed menstruation. So what other causes are there? The first of the most important causes of delayed menstruation is psychological problems. Especially stressful mood plays a very important role in this. Sometimes there may be a physiological cause and it is absolutely necessary to see a gynecologist. There are questions to ask yourself when you experience a delayed period.
Causes of Menstrual Pain?
⦁ Is there any medication I take regularly that may affect my period?
⦁ Am I really in too stressful a mood?
⦁ Have I recently had any other illness?
⦁ Have I recently experienced a sudden weight loss/gain?
⦁ Am I eating irregularly and poorly? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, it is very normal to have irregular periods. If you have not experienced any of these problems, it is useful to see a doctor. Because some cyst formations can also cause menstrual delay. You can only find out by having an ultrasound. If you want to menstruate with your own methods before going to the doctor, there are very practical methods you can try at home.
Some of these are;
⦁ Consuming herbal teas such as chamomile, St. John's wort, fennel, rosemary,
⦁ Consuming menstruating vegetables such as parsley and onions,
⦁ Keeping a hot water bag on the abdomen. If no results are obtained from these methods, menstrual suppressants can be used.
On the other hand, another important issue is menstrual pain. This pain, which significantly reduces the quality of life of women, should be solved with natural methods rather than chemical drugs.
For this; You can exercise to relax, consume the herbal teas mentioned above, consume foods containing calcium and, A warm shower will always be good. These are practical methods that can be tried at home.
Menstrual delay and pain may be caused by other urological causes. It is absolutely necessary to consult a gynecologist.
What Causes Menstrual Delays?
The menstrual cycle is the natural process that women go through at a certain time of each month, but it is not the same for every woman. This menstrual cycle process is delayed for a few days to several days due to hormonal imbalance, changes due to excessive weight loss or increase, stress, excessive exercise that overtaxes the body, inadequate or excessive nutrition, pregnancy, birth control pills used and problems in the triod gland.
How Many Days Do Menstrual Delays Occur Due to Stress?
Negativities in stress hormones, cortisol, which are among the factors affecting the delay of the menstrual cycle in women, can affect the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary. Due to this interaction, it brings irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Delays in the menstrual cycle due to stress vary between a few days and a few weeks.
Is 10 Days Menstrual Delay Normal?
Since delays between a few days and a few weeks are considered normal in the menstrual cycle experienced by women, a 10-day menstrual delay is considered normal. If the 10-day menstrual delay is prolonged, you can apply to health institutions. We wish you healthy menstrual processes 🙂
Is 2 Month Menstrual Delay Normal?
The normal duration of the menstrual cycle in women is between 21 and 35 days. Delays in the menstrual cycle between a few days and a few weeks are considered normal. However, if this delay lasts longer than 2 months, it is necessary to consult a health institution immediately as it may be a sign of pregnancy, hormonal imbalances or serious health problems.
Which Months Does Seasonal Menstrual Delay Occur?
In the menstrual cycle experienced by women, delays may occur due to seasonal transitions. To the question of which months seasonal delays occur in the menstrual cycle, it is correct to answer that it happens in the months of spring and autumn seasons when the temperature changes in the body, the level of light exposed, and the pressure differences in the atmosphere are experienced. Seasonal menstrual delay does not require treatment as it is considered a mild irregularity. However, if the irregularity occurs for several months, it is important to consult health institutions for health.