Home Healthy Living What are the Common Diseases During Seasonal Transitions?

What are the Common Diseases During Seasonal Transitions?

What are the Common Diseases During Seasonal Transitions?

During seasonal transitions, especially sudden changes in air temperatures make it difficult for the body to adapt, leading to various diseases. As the immune system weakens during these periods, bacterial and viral diseases are more common. Symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, high fever, insomnia and muscle aches are common during seasonal transitions. So, what are the common diseases during seasonal transitions?

Diseases that occur during seasonal transitions

Flu Infections

Influenza is one of the most common diseases during seasonal transitions. Especially during the transition from summer to fall, the immune system weakens and the likelihood of catching the flu virus increases. Symptoms of flu include high fever, muscle and joint pain, runny nose, sneezing, cough and weakness. **It is important to get a flu vaccine in the fall to prevent the flu.

Common Cold (Catarrh)

The common cold is one of the upper respiratory tract infections and is common during seasonal transitions. It manifests itself with symptoms such as sneezing, cough, mild fever, watery eyes and itching. If left untreated, it can turn into **gribal infection** and heal within 7-10 days. The common cold can be transmitted rapidly by viruses.


Seasonal allergies **seasonal allergies** occur with the increase in pollen, especially during the transition to spring. Pollen allergy manifests itself with symptoms such as itching, watery eyes, sneezing and nasal congestion. It is important to protect against pollen to reduce the risk of allergies during seasonal transitions.

Seasonal Depression

Seasonal depression, which occurs during the transition from summer to winter, is associated with an increase in the hormone melatonin. **Symptoms of seasonal depression include pessimism, low motivation, a constant desire to sleep and mood swings. Symptoms of depression may increase, especially during the winter months.

How to Avoid Diseases During Seasonal Transitions?

It is very important to strengthen the immune system to protect against diseases during seasonal transitions. Regular sleep, a healthy diet, plenty of water consumption and vitamin supplements can help you gain resistance to diseases. In addition, it will be useful to use masks for conditions such as pollen allergy and to ensure ventilation in closed environments.


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