Home Healthy Nutrition Healthy Recipe - Grilled Eggplant

Healthy Recipe - Grilled Eggplant


Healthy Recipe - Grilled Eggplant


Required Ingredients


When choosing your eggplants, prefer fresh and firm ones. Medium-sized eggplants are ideal.

Olive Oil

Take care to use quality and natural olive oil, it will be a healthy choice.


You can add a fresh flavor to your eggplants with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Salt, Black Pepper, Red Chili Pepper

You can adjust your spices according to your taste.


Preparing the Eggplants

What to do to remove the bitterness from eggplants?

You can chop the eggplants and soak them in salted water to remove the bitterness. Then wash with plenty of water to remove the salt.

Slicing the Eggplants

Cut the aubergines lengthwise or into round slices and prepare them for grilling.

Marinating Eggplants

Marinate the eggplants with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, black pepper and red pepper flakes. Let it rest in the refrigerator for a while.


Cooking Eggplants on the Grill

How Should I Heat the Grill?

Heat the grill over medium heat, oil your grates and place the eggplants on the grill. Cook evenly on both sides, turning occasionally.

Which sides are tastier?

If you lightly brush the slices with olive oil while putting the eggplants on the grill, you can get a tastier result.

Cooking Time

Depending on the thickness of your eggplant slices, the cooking time may vary. Usually cook for about 10-15 minutes on each side until golden brown.


Presenting Eggplants

What can I serve with?

You can serve the grilled eggplants with yogurt sauce, garlic sauce or basil sauce. You can also serve it with fresh greens.

Should I Serve Hot or Cold?

You can serve the eggplants hot or cold. If you want to serve it hot, you can take it off the grill immediately, and for cold service, you can keep it in the refrigerator and then serve it.

With this healthy and delicious grilled eggplant recipe, you can offer a great alternative to your loved ones and offer a special option for those who prefer a healthy diet. Bon Appetit!


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