Home Life Lyrics of Gallipoli Folk Song

Lyrics of Gallipoli Folk Song

Lyrics of Gallipoli Folk Song

Here are the lyrics of the "Gallipoli Ballad":

They shot me in Gallipoli
They put me in the grave before I die
Oh my youth, woe is me

Mirror bazaar in Canakkale
Ana, I'm going against the enemy
Oh my youth, woe is me

A tall cypress in Çanakkale
Some of us are engaged, some of us are married
Oh my youth, woe is me

Smoke covered Çanakkale
The thirteenth storm marched into battle
Oh my youth, woe is me

A full jug in Canakkale
Mothers and fathers cut the letter
Oh my youth, woe is me

This folk song tells the sad memories of the soldiers and youth who lost their lives in the Gallipoli War.


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