Coping with Stress
Most of us dive headfirst into various problems from the moment we lift our heads from the pillow in the morning, and we struggle with them all day long in a state of mind as if all the burdens of the world have been placed on our shoulders.
How to deal with anxiety and stress?
We are alert in mind and alert in body. We call the anxious feelings that every innovation and change that life throws our way stress. So is a stress-free or anxiety-free life possible? No, it is not.
How to deal with stress?
Because short-term stress and anxiety help us cope with negative situations and survive. It is anxiety that allows us to study for an important exam, it is anxiety that allows us to protect ourselves from potential danger by not crossing a dark road.
What to do to relieve stress?
But if stress becomes prolonged and starts to negatively affect your daily routines, then it starts to take its toll on us. Physically, it can lead to fatigue, headaches, skin disorders, high blood pressure, ulcers, etc., while mentally and emotionally it can lead to anxiety disorders, depression and anger.
So how can we deal with stress? First, let's talk about methods that don't work. Even though each individual reacts differently to stress, there are some typical behaviors that people do when they experience stress. Withdrawing, pretending that the event does not exist, becoming passive, or overreacting, perhaps taking refuge in cigarettes and alcohol. These are ways of coping that sometimes provide momentary relief, but have the effect of increasing stress in the long run.
How to relieve stress the fastest?
Let's look at the most effective methods;
- Identify the problem: Why is this a problem? Did I have anything to do with this? Or who contributed? Clarifying the problem will help you to be clear about your solution. Thus, you can prevent your stress from spreading to every event.
- Talk to yourself constructively: Let's say you are late for work on a day when you should never be late and you miss a very important meeting, you may get very angry with yourself or you may say to yourself "yes I made a big mistake, but this is not the worst situation I will ever be in, I can talk to my supervisor and offer to work overtime for this, it may even make a good impression that I am aware of my mistake". If your inner voice is also speaking negatively to you in the face of the negative situation you are experiencing, your tension will increase. Therefore, it will be good to talk to yourself positively about the solution to this situation.
- Be good to your body: You will find that 15 minutes of exercise, waking up every day with a full night's sleep, or making small changes to your diet, increasing the amount of water you drink, are also good for your soul.
- Do things that make you happy more often: You can take up a hobby that you think will relax you, or you can reintroduce something you used to do that made you happy. It could even be tending a flower or growing tomatoes. Think small when you are trying to be happy.
- Plan your time: To avoid a mountain of to-do's, it will save your whole day if you put them all in order, starting with the most important one. Many CEOs cite the secret to their success as doing the hardest work first.
Last but not least have confidence in yourself!: Remember what you have overcome, all the power you need is already in your mind, all that remains is to find it...