What is Asthma?
What is asthma? is the first question that comes to mind for people with shortness of breath. The condition in which the airways narrow, swell and produce extra mucus asthma is known as a cough. It makes breathing difficult and triggers shortness of breath with coughing and wheezing. The severity of asthma can vary from person to person. For some people it is life-threatening, while others may be able to continue with their daily lives. Asthma is not a treatable disease. However asthma symptoms can be taken under control. It is in your best interest to monitor the symptoms of asthma, which can change with seasonal characteristics, in order to determine a treatment method. Many people think "Will asthma kill me?". If you have difficulty breathing and do not have your medication with you at the time, it can cause serious problems. Obviously, negligence can have bad consequences.
Asthma Symptoms
Symptoms may vary from person to person. You may experience these symptoms at certain times, rarely or often. In general asthma symptoms can be listed as follows:
When Should You See a Doctor?
Asthma attacks can be life-threatening. You should tell your doctor what to do if your symptoms worsen and if you need emergency treatment. Urgent symptoms include:
If you have these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately.
Causes of Asthma
Some substances can trigger allergies and asthma symptoms increase. These triggers can vary from person to person and may include
Tips to Prevent Asthma
You cannot absolutely prevent asthma, but you can reduce its symptoms.
Here are a few steps:
Follow your asthma action plan.Regular monitoring of asthma is very important for treatment. If you want to stay in control, work out a plan with your doctor and stick to it. Get vaccinated. Having vaccinations will protect you from flu etc. and prevent triggers. Find and prevent triggers. Pollen, mold, cold weather and air pollution and more...
Asthma can have many triggers. Find out what makes you worse and take steps to prevent them. Watch your breath. Monitoring your breathing allows you to recognize warning signs of an impending attack, such as a slight cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. Detect and treat attacks early. If you discover crises early, you need less medication and are less likely to have a crisis. Take your medicines with a prescription. Take your medicines with you to every doctor's visit. Your doctor can check that you are taking your medicines correctly and that you are taking the right dose. Never change your medicines without consulting your doctor
Herbal Treatment for Asthma
Herbal treatment of allergic asthma methods are quite a lot. But you should be careful before using them. These plants that you are looking for healing can be a trigger for you. Garlic Garlic is very valuable for many diseases. It is also very successful in alleviating asthma symptoms. Ginger A recent study has revealed the power of ginger to improve asthma symptoms.
This is an alternative treatment with no definite results. Echinacea and licorice: Echinacea is a useful herb for the upper respiratory tract, but when taken with other medicines, skin rashes and liver damage can occur. These herbs may make some people's asthma worse. Studies on this are ongoing. Do not try it without consulting your doctor.
Turmeric Turmeric is effective against inflammation and has some anti-allergy properties.
Honey: Honey is an important substance that softens an irritated throat and cough. People with asthma can try mixing honey with a hot drink.
Omega 3: Omega-3 fatty acids are good for heart disease and help reduce airway inflammation. Asthma symptomsis an important issue that you should follow up and consult your doctor.
Do not apply the methods written here without consulting your doctor.