Home Sexual Life What is unhappiness after sexual intercourse?

What is unhappiness after sexual intercourse?

Feelings of unhappiness after sex

Believe it or not, many people today experience unhappiness and dissatisfaction after sexual intercourse. This is actually common.

Bad Sensation After Sexual Intercourse

The reason has everything to do with the hormones secreted. However, it is effective enough to put many people off sex. The feeling of unhappiness after sex is actually a natural result of balancing the hormone dopamine, which is suddenly released at a high rate in the body. No matter how good your sex experience was, you may feel unhappy afterwards.

Unhappiness After Sexual Intercourse

The hormone dopamine makes you extremely happy and feels great. But the body balances the level of dopamine to bring you back to real life. The body reduces dopamine levels with the hormone prolactin. This hormone is actually present in women to help them produce milk.

Unhappiness After Sex

In both sexes, however, dopamine is secreted by the metabolism because of its stabilizing effect. Feeling great with high dopamine levels and then suddenly returning to normal life can make you melancholic for a while.

This can sometimes last up to 2 hours. But feeling bad after sex should not be a reason not to have sex. You can easily overcome this by yourself.


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